Welcome to Infinite Storlet

Make your own stories. Practice on that stories.

My contents

Your library has the following record counts:

  • Books   0
  • Stories   0
  • Genres   0

Story History

    To create your first story or book, create genre first. for example, Article, Address, Fantasy.

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    How to use this site.

    • Every Writing is a story on this site.
    • The writing that makes a unique story itself is just called Story.
    • If several stories make a unique story, that is called Book.
    • Stories or Books must have more than one genre that describes its characteristics.
    • For example, The 'Alice in Wonderland' may have the following genres; 'Children's Books' and or 'Fairy Tales' and or 'Tales & Myths.'
    • Therefore, To make Stories or Books, First make specific genres.
    • This site is for both PC and Mobile.
    • The difference is that you can make practice contents only on PC and on Mobile, you can just read your materials or others.
    • This site recommends you to use the following browsers; Chrome, Firefox, Safari. And does not recommends you to use Internet Explorer.
    • On top menu, You can choose site language among English or Korean from LANGUAGE, and each case, You can select a various font style from FONT menu.
    • To use this site the best, your monitor's resolution is to be more than 1080p.
    • The most recent read story is on the first page 'Story History' list. Go that story directly!
    • The Words menu on the main menu, There is word list that you have saved in this site. Search words by skill or importance.